1 module lwdr;
3 public import lwdr.tracking;
5 /// A static class by which to interface with core features of LWDR.
6 static final class LWDR
7 {
8 	/// Finalise and deallocate object `obj`
9 	static void free(ref Object obj) nothrow @nogc
10 	{
11 		import lifetime.class_;
12 		_d_delclass(&obj);
13 		obj = null;
14 	}
16 	version(LWDR_DynamicArray)
17 	/// Finalise (if possible) and deallocate dynamic array `arr`
18 	static void free(TArr : T[], T)(ref TArr arr)
19 	{
20 		import lifetime.array_;
21 		_d_delarray_t(cast(void[]*)&arr, typeid(T));
22 		arr = null;
23 	}
25 	/// Deallocate `ptr`
26 	static void free(TPtr : T*, T)(ref TPtr ptr) 
27 		if(!is(T == struct))
28 	{
29 		import lifetime.common;
30 		_d_delmemory(cast(void**)&ptr);
31 		ptr = null;
32 	}
34 	/// Finalise (if possible) and deallocate struct pointed to by `ptr`.
35 	static void free(TPtr : T*, T)(ref TPtr ptr) 
36 		if(is(T == struct))
37 	{
38 		import lifetime.common;
39 		TypeInfo_Struct s = cast(TypeInfo_Struct)typeid(T);
40 		s.dtor(ptr);
41 		_d_delmemory(cast(void**)&ptr);
42 		ptr = null;
43 	}
45 	version(LWDR_TLS)
46 	{
47 		/++ Register the current thread with LWDR.
48 		 + This will perform the necessary TLS allocations for this thread. ++/
49 		static void registerCurrentThread() nothrow @nogc
50 		{
51 			import rt.sections;
52 			initTLSRanges();
53 		}
55 		/++ Deregister the current thread from LWDR.
56 		 + If this thread was not registered, it will cause unknown behaviour.
57 		 + This will deallocate TLS memory for this thread. ++/
58 		static void deregisterCurrentThread() nothrow @nogc
59 		{
60 			import rt.sections;
61 			freeTLSRanges();
62 		}
63 	}
64 }