1 module rt.moduleinfo;
2 pragma(LDC_no_moduleinfo):
4 import rt.sections;
5 import lwdr.tracking;
6 import lwdr.internal.unionset;
8 version(LWDR_ModuleCtors_MinHeap)
9 {
10 	version(LWDR_ModuleCtors) {}
11 	else static assert(0, "LWDR_ModuleCtors_MinHeap requires LWDR_ModuleCtors to be defined.");
12 }
14 version(LWDR_ModuleCtors):
16 private __gshared immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] modules;
17 private __gshared immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] ctors;
18 private __gshared immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] tlsctors;
20 private immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] getModules() nothrow @nogc
21 out(result) {
22 	foreach(r; result)
23 		assert(r !is null);
24 }
25 do {
26 	size_t count;
27 	foreach(m; allModules)
28 		count++;
30 	immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] result = (cast(immutable(ModuleInfo)**)lwdrInternal_alloc(size_t.sizeof * count))[0..count];
31 	size_t i;
32 	foreach(m; allModules)
33 		result[i++] = m;
34 	return cast(immutable)result;
35 }
37 void sortCtors() nothrow @nogc
38 {
39 	import core.bitop : bts, btr, bt, BitRange;
41 	immutable len = modules.length;
42 	if(len == 0) 
43 		return; // nothing to do
45 	// allocate some stack arrays that will be used throughout the process.
46 	immutable nwords = (len + 8 * size_t.sizeof - 1) / (8 * size_t.sizeof);
47 	immutable flagbytes = nwords * size_t.sizeof;
48 	auto ctorstart = cast(size_t*)lwdrInternal_alloc(flagbytes); // ctor/dtor seen
49 	auto ctordone = cast(size_t*)lwdrInternal_alloc(flagbytes); // ctor/dtor processed
50 	auto relevant = cast(size_t*)lwdrInternal_alloc(flagbytes); // has ctors/dtors
51 	scope(exit)
52 	{
53 		lwdrInternal_free(ctorstart);
54 		lwdrInternal_free(ctordone);
55 		lwdrInternal_free(relevant);
56 	}
58 	void clearFlags(size_t* flags) @nogc nothrow
59 	{
60 		import util;
61 		memset(flags, 0, flagbytes);
62 	}
64 	// build the edges between each module. We may need this for printing,
65 	// and also allows avoiding keeping a hash around for module lookups.
66 	int[][] edges = (cast(int[]*)lwdrInternal_alloc((int[]).sizeof * modules.length))[0 .. modules.length];
67 	{
68 		LLUnionSet modIndexes = LLUnionSet(modules.length);
69 		foreach(i, m; modules)
70 			modIndexes[cast(size_t)m] = i;
72 		auto reachable = cast(size_t*)lwdrInternal_alloc(flagbytes);
73 		scope(exit) lwdrInternal_free(reachable);
75 		foreach(i, m; modules)
76 		{
77 			clearFlags(reachable);
78 			int* edge = cast(int*)lwdrInternal_alloc(int.sizeof * modules.length);
79 			size_t nEdges = 0;
80 			foreach(imp; m.importedModules)
81 			{
82 				if(imp is m)
83 					continue; // self-import
84 				if(auto impidx = cast(size_t)imp in modIndexes)
85 					if(!bts(reachable, *impidx))
86 						edge[nEdges++] = *impidx;
87 			}
88 			edges[i] = edge[0 .. nEdges];
89 			// cannot trim edges[i]
90 		}
91 	}
93 	scope(exit)
94 	{
95 		foreach(e; edges)
96 			if(e.ptr)
97 				lwdrInternal_free(e.ptr);
98 		lwdrInternal_free(edges.ptr);
99 	}
101 	/++ find all the non-trivial dependencies (that is, dependencies that have a
102 	 ctor or dtor) of a given module.  Doing this, we can 'skip over' the
103 	 trivial modules to get at the non-trivial ones.
104 	 If a cycle is detected, returns the index of the module that completes the cycle.
105 	 Returns: true for success, false for a deprecated cycle error ++/
106 	bool findDeps(size_t idx, size_t* reachable) nothrow @nogc
107 	{
108 		static struct StackFrame
109 		{
110 			size_t curMod, curDep;
111 		}
113 		auto stack = cast(StackFrame*)lwdrInternal_alloc(StackFrame.sizeof * len);
114 		scope(exit) lwdrInternal_free(stack);
115 		auto stackTop = stack + len;
116 		auto sp = stack;
117 		sp.curMod = cast(int)idx;
118 		sp.curDep = 0;
120 		clearFlags(reachable);
121 		bts(reachable, idx);
123 		for(;;)
124 		{
125 			auto m = modules[sp.curMod];
126 			if(sp.curDep >= edges[sp.curMod].length)
127 			{
128 				if(sp == stack) // finished the algorithm
129 					break;
130 				--sp;
131 			} 
132 			else
133 			{
134 				auto midx = edges[sp.curMod][sp.curDep];
135 				if(!bts(reachable, midx))
136 				{
137 					if(bt(relevant, midx))
138 					{
139 						// need to process this node, don't recurse.
140 						if(bt(ctorstart, midx))
141 						{
142 							// was already started, this is a cycle.
143 							assert(false, "Module cycle detected!");
144 						}
145 					}
146 					else if(!bt(ctordone, midx))
147 					{
148 						 // non-relevant, and hasn't been exhaustively processed, recurse.
149 						if(++sp >= stackTop)
150 							assert(false, "Stack overflow on module dependency search!");  // stack overflow, this shouldn't happen.
151 						sp.curMod = midx;
152 						sp.curDep = 0;
153 						continue;
154 					}
155 				}
156 			}
157 			// next depedency
158 			++sp.curDep;
159 		}
160 		return true;
161 	}
163 	// This function will determine the order of construction/destruction and
164 	// check for cycles. If a cycle is found, the cycle path is transformed
165 	// into a string and thrown as an error.
166 	//
167 	// Each call into this function is given a module that has static
168 	// ctor/dtors that must be dealt with. It recurses only when it finds
169 	// dependencies that also have static ctor/dtors.
170 	// Returns: true for success, false for a deprecated cycle error
171 	bool processMod(size_t curidx, immutable(ModuleInfo)** c, ref size_t ctoridx) nothrow @nogc
172 	{
173 		immutable ModuleInfo* current = modules[curidx];
175 		// First, determine which modules are reachable.
176 		auto reachable = cast(size_t*)lwdrInternal_alloc(flagbytes);
177 		scope(exit) lwdrInternal_free(reachable);
178 		if(!findDeps(curidx, reachable))
179 			return false; // deprecated cycle error
181 		// process the dependencies. First, we process all relevant ones
182 		bts(ctorstart, curidx);
183 		auto brange = BitRange(reachable, len);
184 		foreach(i; brange)
185 			// note, don't check for cycles here, because the config could have been set to ignore cycles.
186 			// however, don't recurse if there is one, so still check for started ctor.
187 			if(i != curidx && bt(relevant, i) && !bt(ctordone, i) && !bt(ctorstart, i))
188 				if(!processMod(i, c, ctoridx))
189 					return false; // deprecated cycle error
191 		// now mark this node, and all nodes reachable from this module as done.
192 		bts(ctordone, curidx);
193 		btr(ctorstart, curidx);
194 		foreach(i; brange)
195 			// Since relevant dependencies are already marked as done
196 			// from recursion above (or are going to be handled up the call
197 			// stack), no reason to check for relevance, that is a wasted
198 			// op.
199 			bts(ctordone, i);
201 		c[ctoridx++] = current;
202 		return true;
203 	}
205 	// returns `false` if deprecated cycle error otherwise set `result`.
206 	bool doSort(size_t relevantFlags, ref immutable(ModuleInfo)*[] result) nothrow @nogc
207 	{
208 		clearFlags(relevant);
209 		clearFlags(ctorstart);
210 		clearFlags(ctordone);
212 		// pre-allocate enough space to hold all modules.
213 		immutable(ModuleInfo)** ctors = cast(immutable(ModuleInfo)**)lwdrInternal_alloc(len * (void*).sizeof);
214 		size_t ctoridx = 0;
215 		foreach(idx, m; modules)
216 		{
217 			if(m.flags & relevantFlags)
218 			{
219 				if(m.flags & MIstandalone)
220 					ctors[ctoridx++] = m; // can run at any time. Just run it first.
221 				else 
222 					bts(relevant, idx);
223 			}
224 		}
226 		// now run the algorithm in the relevant ones
227 		foreach(idx; BitRange(relevant, len))
228 		{
229 			if(!bt(ctordone, idx))
230 				if(!processMod(idx, ctors, ctoridx))
231 					return false;
232 		}
233 		if(ctoridx == 0)
234 			// no ctors in the list
235 			lwdrInternal_free(ctors);
236 		else
237 			// cannot trim ctors :(
238 			result = ctors[0 .. ctoridx];
239 		return true;
240 	}
242 	if(!doSort(MIctor | MIdtor, ctors) || !doSort(MItlsctor | MItlsdtor, tlsctors))
243 		assert(false, "Module cycle deprecation 16211 warning!");
244 }
246 private void freeCtorLists() nothrow @nogc
247 {
248 	if(ctors.ptr)
249 		lwdrInternal_free(ctors.ptr);
250 	ctors = null;
251 	if(tlsctors.ptr)
252 		lwdrInternal_free(tlsctors.ptr);
253 	tlsctors = null;
254 }
256 extern(C)
257 {
258 	void __lwdr_moduleInfo_runModuleCtors() nothrow @nogc
259 	{
260 		modules = getModules;
262 		sortCtors;
263 		version(LWDR_ModuleCtors_MinHeap)
264 			scope(exit) 
265 				freeCtorLists;
267 		foreach(m; modules) // independent ctors
268 		{
269 			// must cast or won't call
270 			auto ct = cast(void function() nothrow @nogc)m.ictor;
271 			if(ct !is null) ct();
272 		}
273 		foreach(m; ctors) // sorted module ctors
274 		{
275 			auto ct = cast(void function() nothrow @nogc)m.ctor;
276 			if(ct !is null) ct();
277 		}
278 	}
280 	void __lwdr_moduleInfo_runTlsCtors() nothrow @nogc
281 	{
282 		version(LWDR_ModuleCtors_MinHeap)
283 		{
284 			sortCtors;
285 			scope(exit) 
286 				freeCtorLists;
287 		}
289 		foreach(m; tlsctors)
290 		{
291 			auto tlsct = cast(void function() nothrow @nogc)m.tlsctor;
292 			if(tlsct !is null) tlsct();
293 		}
294 	}
296 	void __lwdr_moduleInfo_runTlsDtors() nothrow @nogc
297 	{
298 		version(LWDR_ModuleCtors_MinHeap)
299 		{
300 			sortCtors;
301 			scope(exit) 
302 				freeCtorLists;
303 		}
305 		foreach_reverse(m; tlsctors)
306 		{
307 			auto tlsdt = cast(void function() nothrow @nogc)m.tlsdtor;
308 			if(tlsdt !is null) tlsdt();
309 		}
310 	}
312 	void __lwdr_moduleInfo_runModuleDtors() nothrow @nogc
313 	{
314 		version(LWDR_ModuleCtors_MinHeap)
315 			sortCtors;
317 		scope(exit) freeCtorLists;
319 		foreach_reverse(m; ctors)
320 		{
321 			auto dt = cast(void function() nothrow @nogc)m.dtor;
322 			if(dt !is null) dt();
323 		}
324 	}
325 }